Rescues Episode Five

Rescues Episode Five

Episode Five of Rescues! In which we learn the lengths people will go to for the ones they love. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 15:02 — 20.6MB)Subscribe: Android |...

Rescues Episode Four

In Episode Four of “Rescues” we learn some bad things about some bad folks and deal with a horrible betrayal.  Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 14:17 — 19.6MB)Subscribe: Android |...

Rescues Episode Three

In Episode Three of “Rescues” we meet ‘The Raging Petunias’ and also a very, very bad person… Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 14:50 — 20.4MB)Subscribe: Android |...

Rescues Episode Two

In Episode Two of “Rescues” we find out a LOT more about Danny’s mysterious new pet.  And it gets a name. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 13:56 — 19.1MB)Subscribe: Android |...

Rescues Episode One

Welcome to KidPod Theater’s production of “Rescues” by Sam French!  Danny Mikkelson is thirteen and just starting to help her mother, Kay with their dog rehabilitation business.  Danny finds a badly wounded stray alongside the road and it doesn’t...